Do you love lizards? You’ll meet many exotic lizards up close during this hands-on program! Audience members will feel the difference between various lizards’ scales, learn what makes them so unique, and even hold them! You presenter will bring six to eight lizards from around the world and share with the audience many fun facts about their diet, habitat, defense mechanisms and more! (This program is snake free.)

This program covers reptiles both large and small, common and rare! We slither around the world to meet reptiles from every continent they’re found on. Audience members will learn what a Legless Lizard is, meet a rare species of snake up close, touch a gecko, hold a large boa constrictor, watch a snake eat, and more! Time is reserved after the presentation to touch and hold the reptiles.

This is our most popular program and focuses on the reptiles and amphibians that call Minnesota and Wisconsin home. The audience will get to watch a salamander eat, debunk turtle myths, touch snakes, and more! We bring a tiger salamander, 1-2 native turtles 3-4 native snakes, and 2-4 exotic reptiles (just for fun). Quantity of reptiles depends on length of program booked. A large boa constrictor makes an appearance at all full-length (45-minute) programs! Time is reserved after the presentation to touch and hold the reptiles for a truly hands-on experience!